CharacterGod_website-960x350-300x109Over the month of August, we have posted nine articles here at Servants of Grace as part of a series on the character of God. The purpose of this series is to help our readers think through what the character of God is and it’s importance to the Christian faith. To that end, the contributors have endeavored to help you understand what Scripture and church history teach about the character of God and how a better understanding of God’s character will help you grow as a Christian.

I hope this series has encouraged you, exalted in King Jesus, and has helped you grow in the grace of God.

Here are the articles in order:

1) The Character of God and The Inspiration of Scripture by Dave Jenkins

2) Understanding the Names of God by Dave Jenkins

3) El Roi: God of Seeing by Dave Jenkins

4) Qanna: God is a Jealous God by Mike Boling

5) Jehovah Sabaoth – The Lord of Hosts by Dave Jenkins

6) Elohei Mishpat: The God of Justice by Jason Garwood

7) Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord is Peace by David Dunham

8) Knowing God: His Name is YHWH by Mathew Sims

9) Adonai: Lord and Master in and over All by Timothy Nargi

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