This is our weekly roundup of posts for 8/11/2014-8/16/2014. If you have any feedback on how we can serve you our readers better, I would appreciate it.  Thank you for reading and allowing us to minister to you throughout this past week through these posts.

Monday 8/11/2014-

Why Theology Matters for You and Me: Theology, the Church, and the Christian Life

Dear Seminarian: So You Want to Go to Seminary?  by Zach Kendrick

Embracing a War-like Posture by Greg Gibson

John Owen on the Work of the Spirit in Prayer by Brian Hedges

Tuesday 8/12/2014-

Podcast: Three Ways to Pray and support the persecuted by Dave Jenkins

Dear Seminarian: Four Lessons For Seminary Students Part 1 by Joey Cochran

The most shared verses in their context (EPHESIANS 5:25-26) by Mike Leake

10 Myths About Lust by Jared Moore

Wed 8/13/2014-

Dear Seminarian: Four Lessons For Seminary Students Part 2 by Joey Cochran

7 Ways You Can Pray For The Persecuted by Chris Poblete

Why We Must Have a BIG View of God by Jeff Medders

Thursday 8/14/2014-

Dear Seminarian: Four Lessons For Seminary Students Part Three by Joey Cochran

How to Offer & Receive Criticism by Mathew Sims

Breaking Free from Anger by Matthew Fretwell



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