weekly roundupThis is our weekly roundup of posts for 12/28/2015-1/2/2016. If you have any feedback on how we can serve you our readers better, I would appreciate it.  Thank you for reading and allowing us to minister to you throughout this past week through these posts.

Monday 12/28/2015-

Direction and Vision for Servants of Grace in 2016 by Dave Jenkins https://servantsofgrace.org/direction-vision-servants-grace-2016/

The Original Jesus by Dan Darling reviewed by David Dunham https://servantsofgrace.org/the-original-jesus-by-dan-darling/

Jesus Loves The Traditional Church by Mike Cooper https://servantsofgrace.org/jesus-loves-traditional-church/

Tuesday 12/29/2015-

Gay…Such Were Some of Us reviewed by David Dunham https://servantsofgrace.org/gaysuch-were-some-of-us/

Not Worry, But Trust by Dave Jenkins  https://servantsofgrace.org/not-worry-trust/

Resolute Resolutions by Mike Boling https://servantsofgrace.org/resolute-resolutions/

Wed 12/30/2015-

Preaching The Whole Counsel of God Design And Deliver Gospel-Centered Sermons reviewed by Dave Jenkins https://servantsofgrace.org/preaching-the-whole-counsel-of-god-design-and-deliver-gospel-centered-sermons/

Nine Reasons to Pray by Jason Helopoulos |https://servantsofgrace.org/nine-reasons-pray/

Five Encouragements For Your Upcoming 2016 Bible Reading Plan by Zach Barnhart https://servantsofgrace.org/five-encouragements-for-your-upcoming-2016-bible-reading-plan/

Thursday 12/31/2015-

We Cannot Be Silent (R. Albert Mohler, Jr.) reviewed by Zach Barnhart https://servantsofgrace.org/we-cannot-be-silent-r-albert-mohler-jr/

“Judge Not” and the Right Use of the Law by Dave Jenkins  https://servantsofgrace.org/not-worry-trust/

Friday  1/1/2015-

Why Trust the Bible? reviewed by Mike Boling https://servantsofgrace.org/why-trust-the-bible/

Saturday 1/2/2015-

Resolutions to Grow in Your Walk with God in 2016 by Dave Jenkins  https://servantsofgrace.org/resolutions-grow-walk-god-2016/

Gospel Conversations by Robert W. Kellemen reviewed by Craig Hurst https://servantsofgrace.org/gospel-conversations-by-robert-w-kellemen/

Prayer: Just Do It! by Mike Boling https://servantsofgrace.org/prayer-just-do-it/

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