indexSmall groups are a place where Christians come together to not only study the Bible but to do life together. Having led and been part of small groups for quite awhile, I know well what works and what doesn’t work. The goal of gathering in small groups isn’t for one person to dominate the discussion. The goal is to study the Word with a view to love and care for one another. Understanding what a healthy small group is about is essential not only to have a healthy church but to have a congregation that is growing in the Lord together. The fifty one another statements in the New Testament are best done in small groups. Following the helpful series on Transformational Church and Transformational Discipleship, Dr. Ed Stetzer and Eric Geiger, both seasoned Pastors wrote Transformational Groups: Creating A New Scorecard For Groups.

In my experience in leading and being part of small groups—it often happens where several if not more than that people in the small group are very knowledgeable about the Bible. It’s easy for knowledgeable people to want to share their understanding on a variety of topic. In a small group though what we actually need is to stop trying to be Mr. Answer man and be part of the group. I geek out whenever I get to talk about Bible. Over the years though, I’ve learned that I have a tendency to talk to much in small groups and therefore, I’ve resolved to not be silent but to share only a few thoughts so as to not dominate the conversation. Every single person in your small group is at a different place in their spiritual growth. Be sensitive to where they are at. Focus on loving people with the Word of God and watch as God uses your group to not only help you grow but also use you to help others grow.

Transformational Groups has eight chapters. Chapter one sets forth the model of transformational as it pertains to small groups. Chapters two and three look at the need to focus on discipleship. Chapter four looks at integrating small groups. Chapter five focuses on picking the right leaders, and chapter six looks at group practices. Chapter seven helps the reader understand the need to multiply healthy small groups in the local church. Chapter eight focuses on how to connect with disconnected people. The final chapter of the book helps people to dream big with the goal of seeing people’s lives changed through the small group ministry in your local church.

Whether you’re a small group leader looking to make improvements to the small group ministry at your local church, or you’re wanting to understand why small groups are important, this book has something for you. First this book will help you to understand why discipleship and and transformation should be at the heart of ministry in your local church. We don’t gather together to only gain information but to experience transformation as we live our lives under the authority of God’s Word. Small groups are places where we can challenge one another in love, where we speak the truth in love to one another, and live in community with one another. Reading Transformational Groups will help readers gain an understanding of the importance of small groups to a healthy and growing local church that desires to make, mature, and multiply disciples to the glory of God. I highly recommend this book and pray the Lord uses it powerfully for His Kingdom and glory.

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Title: Transformational Groups Creating A New Scorecard For Groups

Authors: Ed Stetzer and Eric Geiger

Publisher: B&H (2014)

I received this book for free from B&H for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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