Editor’s note: The purpose of this series is to write on “Issues in the Church” that either aren’t talked about, ignored entirely, or that we want to contribute to the discussion on. Our goal with this series is to help our readers think through these issues from a biblical worldview with lots of practical gospel-application.

The Enemy is always looking for ways to eat away at the lives of God’s people; to destroy Christian fruitfulness and faithfulness. And like it or not, he is good at what he does. Thankfully, along with his craftiness and persistence in evil tactics, he also possesses a deep blindness. While the Devil is working to destroy the lives of the saints and capture deceived souls, the sovereign God of the universe is orchestrating; actually has orchestrated something grand that the Devil just cannot see. But with eyes of faith, you can see it.

This wonderful orchestration of God is what we call, the seasons of life and because He is in control there is good in every season. He masterfully uses the changing seasons to shape us, to mold us and teach us to be more aware; more dependent on Christ. Stand back and look for a moment at your life as a whole. Do you see that God is a Master Builder; a Master Composer and Conductor of your life; of every life on earth? It takes faith to see this way, that though one season was more painful than another, somewhere along the road you found good fruit emerging from the midst of it. Maybe small fruit, but fruit nonetheless. Your current season may be cold and bitter too, but if you wait on the Lord you will find that the next season is full of the warmth of God’s faithfulness and the sweet reassurance of His constant care.

There is no formula here. Some seasons are simply longer than others. The changing seasons come mostly without warning. You may wake tomorrow morning to tragic news; news that could change the life you’ve always known. Every endeavor will seem hopeless from that point on, but it’s not, that is, if Christ remains the object of your hope. That is, if Christ, the one with whom there is no change, remains your only hope in this life.

Sitting in the Doctor’s office, you may receive news of something you thought you’d never hear regarding your own health or the health of a loved one. It could take the spiritual wind right out you, but it’s not the end. It’s really the beginning. It’s the beginning of a season in which Christ, if you let Him, and if you focus on Him, will prove faithful still. He will teach you things through the long and hard roads that you could never learn otherwise. See the value in this? He will bring light to your darkness and restore you in His timing. Whatever you lose in the physical, He will restore in ways greater than you can possibly imagine. If not here, then in eternity.

Remember this; life is not an exact science. The world and the people in it are constantly changing. What’s needed in a world such as ours is faith; faith in God; in a perfect God whose aim is to love and save imperfect people for Himself and His glory. You may not always be able to tell when the seasons will change next, but when you do see them change, be sure to seek the face of God in Christ.

Find comfort in the fact that He, Jesus, experienced seasons on earth too. Some were good and some bad. He lived in the joy of His Heavenly Father from childhood and in the fellowship of His disciples as an adult. He had the love of a mother and earthly brothers. But in the midst of this grace He experienced poverty, hunger, weakness and homelessness. He had seasons of celebration, like at the wedding of Cana, but He also had times of running from those who wanted to kill Him. He learned obedience through suffering and taught His disciples to hunger for spiritual food. Through every season, though, even the most terrifying of all, the crucifixion, He fixed His eyes to Heaven and trusted the foreordained work and masterful plan of the Father.

When we follow this example, we will find strength to resist the Enemy. He will flee as we draw nearer to God. Changing seasons will remain hard, but we, His children, can learn to rejoice in the beauty of His plan, knowing that He is the grand conductor of it all. In the end, He conducts namely for the sake of His glory.

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