Preaching the gospel took on a whole new significance for me several years ago. I was going through a period where I was battling anxiety and fighting what to me seemed a losing battle. During this time preaching the gospel became one way I was able to face my battle with anxiety and other issues in my life head on. Even today, preaching the gospel has become a way to help me deal with the stress of life and ministry. In his new book Hidden in the Gospel, William Farley writes to help readers take hold of the truth of Scripture and apply it to their lives.

The book takes a journey through basic Christian doctrine with a view to help the reader apply it to their lives. The author states, “This book is about how to know God through the gospel story. It is about the joy that proceeds from getting to know God through the discipline of talking back to yourself—what some have called “preaching the gospel to yourself” (6).

Paul David Tripp is a well-known author, pastor, writer and counselor. On preaching the gospel to ourselves he talks about how we’re already preaching a message to ourselves. Our world is full of negativity and difficulty at every turn. How are we doing as God’s people eat looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith? Are we only being hearers of the Word and not doers. Farley wants us to take hold of our faith and appropriate it into every area of life. In chapter one he helps us do that through seven points: First, the gospel regularly and repetitively exposes us to the glory of God. Second, it helps us grow in humility. Third, preaching the gospel to ourselves will help us to be delivered from guilt, inferiority and low self-image. Fourth, preaching the gospel to ourselves accelerates our sanctification. Fifth preaching the gospel helps us to abound in thankfulness. Sixth, preaching the gospel to ourselves helps us to be hopeful. Finally, preaching the gospel to ourselves culminates in worship.

Maybe you’ve never considered the importance of preaching the gospel to yourself. Perhaps, you don’t know how to preach the gospel to yourself. Either way, Hidden in the Gospel has something for you. This book will help you to understand what it means to preach the gospel to yourself. This book will help even those who have experience preaching the gospel to gain further insight into this important spiritual discipline. Wherever you are at in your Christian life, this book has something for you. It will help you to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. This would be a good book to get in the hands of a new believer to help them understand not only what preaching the gospel to themselves means but also how to do it. I highly recommend this book and pray the Lord would use it in the life of His Church to awaken God’s people to their first love in Jesus and deepen their love and understanding of the gospel.

Title: Hidden in the Gospel: Truths You Forget to Tell Yourself Every Day

Author: William P. Farley

Publisher: P&R (2014)

I received this book for free from P&R for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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