We love a good Christian-ese quote to share on social media, don’t we? But are these quotes what we’re using to build our knowledge of theology? What does the Bible have to say about many of the quotes that we regularly share? Does our Instagram Theology reflect the true teachings of God’s Word? And how do we know the difference?

Show Notes

5:00 5 Points of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

7:00 Sample Instagram quotes

26:00 Study what is true to know when you’re being given bad theology

32:00 How does one go to heaven?

Scripture References and Other Resources

1 Corinthians 8:6
Micah 6:8
Jonah 1:4; 4:7
Isaiah 45:6-7
Genesis 1:26-27
Psalm 86:9
Revelation 4:11
Romans 1:25
Philippians 1:29
Psalm 119:71
Romans 3:23
Romans 3:10
Romans 3:11-12
Matthew 11:28

Michelle Lesley’s Blog https://michellelesleybooks.com/

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism: the New Religion of America (Al Mohler’s article) http://www.albertmohler.com/2005/04/11/moralistic-therapeutic-deism-the-new-american-religion-2/

Let’s talk about Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (Adam 4d’s comic) http://adam4d.com/mtd/

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