This is our weekly roundup of posts for 11/4/2013-11/9/2013. If you have any feedback on how we can serve you our readers better, I would appreciate it. Thank you for reading and allowing us to minister to you throughout this past week through these posts.
Monday 11/4/2013-
How To Care For Your Pastor by Dave Jenkins
Tuesday 11/5/2013
The Blessing of Technology and the dwarfing of biblical spirituality by Dave Jenkins
Wed 11/6/2013-
A Call to Ministry is a Call to Bleed by Jared Moore
One Thousand Posts and a heap of God’s grace by Dave Jenkins
Thursday 11/7/2013-
Jesus: A Narrow Door to a Broad Kingdom (Luke 13:18-35) by Buddy Overman
Friday 11/8/2013-
Dangers of a Calloused Heart (Luke 14:1-24) by Buddy Overman