On today’s Equipping You in Grace episode, Dave and Voddie Baucham discuss social justice and biblical and theological illiteracy, the dangers of CRT and intersectionality, the dangers of the cult of racism, concerns with Christian’s support of BLM, along with his book, Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe (Salem Books, 2021).

What you’ll hear in this episode

  • Why the social justice is a gospel issue.
  • Why social justice is another symptom of the growing problem of biblical and theological illiteracy.
  • How Christians can pursue justice without bending to wokeness or other troubling views.
  • Advice to the person getting exposed to critical race theory and intersectionality.
  • Concerns about the growing racial reconciliation movement in the evangelical Church today.
  • Concerns about critical social justice movement’s stance on abortion.
  • The most powerful weapon that Christians have against CRT and intersectionality.
  • Why real love for brothers and sisters in Christ requires contending with them and for them.
  • Concerns about evangelical Christian’s support of Black Lives Matter.

About the Guest

VODDIE BAUCHAM, JR. is a pastor and church planter who is currently serving as dean of the School of Divinity at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia, where he and his family have lived since 2015. Voddie and his wife, Bridget, have been married for more than thirty years, have nine children and two grandchildren, and are committed home educators.

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