Thomas R. Schreiner, The Justice & Goodness of God: A Biblical case for the Final Judgment (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2024), 145 pp.
Justice is a hot topic in our world. Distinguishing between that which is just and unjust touches at the core of humanity. Of even greater importance, however is the justice of God. Thomas Schreiner addresses this matter in his book, The Justice & Goodness of God: A Biblical Case for the Final Judgment.
The book is written for Christians, acccording to Dr. Schreiner, “to remind us that judgment is fundamental to the message we proclaim so that we will not be ashamed of or neglect speaking about judgment.” Schreiner’s encouragement is greatly needed in this hour as many people either neglect the topic of justice or ignore it altogether.
The foundation of this work leans on the unshakable foundation of God’s holiness. The author reminds readers that the reason God judges sin is owing to his majestic holiness.
The hideous nature of sin is addressed early in the book and calls to mind its “uncleanness, defilement, and impurity.” According to Schreiner, “Sin is a kind of insanity —— a form of self-destruction where we turn against what fulfills and satisfies us.” In the final analysis, sin leads us away from God and places us under his holy justice.
The book presents a wide-angle view of God’s justice from three important vantage points – judgment in the Gospels and Acts, judgment in the epistles, and judgment in the book of Revelation.
The author summarizes his argument by showing the practical importance of God’s justice. This sobering reality leads us to the critical step of fearing God and striving to live in a way that glorifies the greatness of his worth.
While every sinner deserves God’s justice, we can praise him, for he grants grace and forgiveness through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. “The justice of God,” writes Schreiner, “is satisfied in the atoning sacrifice of his Son.”
I trust that many will read and benefit from the wisdom in The Justice & Goodness of God. May Christians rest in God’s grace and may unbelievers turn from their sin and trust in a good God who promises to set each person free who banks on the gospel.
Dr. David Steele has been in pastoral ministry since 1991. He holds BS and MA degrees from Multnomah University and Multnomah Biblical Seminary and a D. Min from Bakke Graduate University. Following graduation from Multnomah University, he served eight years as Pastor to Students at Lacey Chapel. In 2000, he became the Pastor of Theology at First Baptist Church in La Grande, Oregon where he served for over eleven years. In 2012, he became the Senior Pastor at Christ Fellowship in Everson, Washington.
He is the author of Bold Reformer: Celebrating the Gospel-Centered Convictions of Martin Luther, A Godward Gaze: The Holy Pursuit of John Calvin, and The White Flag: When Compromise Cripples the Church.
At Christ Fellowship he leads the staff, serves as the Pastor for preaching and vision casting, and oversees Veritas (adult theological education) and Iron Men (men’s leadership development).
His personal mission is to positively influence people, impact the world one person at a time and to glorify God by enjoying him forever. His passion in ministry is preaching, teaching, and leadership development. Specifically, his aim is to educate the mind, engage the affections, equip the whole person, and encourage God-centered living that treasures Christ above all things.
He and his wife, Gerrene were married in 1991 and they have two children.