I enjoy children’s books. I did so long before I had children of my own. Some of my favorite literature is written for children. Writing children’s books is hard work  that takes a sharp mind, deep understanding of your subject, and clear, simple communication to write a book children will read, understand, and love. This is why Dan Dewitt’s new children’s book The Friend Who Forgives caught my eye.

Dewitt’s new children’s book published by The Good Book Company is a book on Peter’s relationship with Jesus. It takes my 2-year-old and I about  five minutes to read. It is very interactive, engaging, and beautifully illustrated (thanks to the talented Catalina Echeverri). Most importantly, it is Christ exalting and gospel-centric. The book even concludes with a section on the historicity of Peter and Jesus for those children who ask thoughtful, and often difficult questions.

I commend this book to you. It is a great bedtime book, that can spark good, God-centered discussions with you and your children and is far from being a morality tell. On the contrary, it is a book about how you aren’t moral. It is a book about how you can never measure up to the standard God sets. It is a book about how you will always miss the mark. It is also a book on why everyone needs forgiveness found only in our Savior, Jesus.


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