The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything is written by Fred Sanders an associate professor of theology at Biola University Torrey Honors Institute. On page 23 the author, using Billy Graham as an example says, “Graham is a perfect example of an evangelical who is focused so much on being Trinitarian in practice that he somewhat under-explains the theological presuppositions of what he is doing.”

Dr. Sanders is very thorough in his treatment on the Trinity and how it applies to the life of the believer. Dr. Sanders is especially concerned to show throughout this work how the Gospel is tied to the work of the Trinity.

Unlike many books that are theologically driven, Dr. Sanders work does more than just consider the Scriptures but instead explains the Scriptures and then applies the Scriptures. This book is an excellent work. As one who has studied (formally and informally) and read a number of systematic theologies over the years there is simply nothing that I’ve read that even comes close to the work of Dr. Sanders in this book.

Dr. Sanders has given a great deal of thought to the topic of the Gospel and the Trinity. Before I read Dr. Sanders work, I had never read anything by him before. His writing style is very engaging which makes it easy to read and understand. This is why I am recommending that this book be read by any believer who is interested in learning how the Gospel connects to the Trinity.

Finally, this is one of the best books I’ve read this year. It is so because it is well-written and well-argued. It is grounded in the Scriptures. I believe this book touches on many topics many Christians have never thought about or as profoundly as Dr. Sanders has in our modern times. Lastly, I believe every Christian should read this book even if it takes them awhile, and also if they have to ask for help to understand everything. This book in its totality is full of Gospel-gold. I will be recommending it to everyone I know who is interested in learning how the Gospel connects to the Trinity.

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