On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave and Doreen discuss the dangers of contemplative prayer and lectio divina, the nature and purpose of biblical meditation and revival, how our theology should affect our prayer lives, and much more.

What you’ll hear in this episode

  • The difference between exegesis and eisegesis.
  • What Lectio Divina is and why it is so dangerous.
  • Why contemplative prayer, etc. undermines the sufficiency of Scripture.
  • The dangers of ungodly meditation.
  • The nature and purpose of biblical meditation and the church’s teaching on biblical meditation.
  • The nature and purpose of genuine biblical revival.
  • The danger of “feelings focused” faith rather than a Scripture grounded faith in Christ.
  • Why we should only go to biblically trained biblical counselors and not a spiritual director.
  • Things to do look for when churches engage in contemplative prayer, etc.
  • Some strategies to grow in biblical literacy.
  • How our theology should affect our prayer lives.
  • The importance of a solid local church for every Christian.
For help finding a good solid Bible-based and theologically solid church please consider visiting the Master’s Seminary Church Finder: https://tms.edu/find-a-church/ 

About Guest

Doreen’s website is: DoreenVirtue.com and you can find her at Instagram.com/DoreenVirtueFacebook.com/DoreenVirtueForJesus, and YouTube.com/DoreenVirtueForJesus

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Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.


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