Systematic Theology by Robert Letham is a solid work designed to fit within the framework of Reformed confessionalism. Systematic Theology is unique in that is begins with a treatment on the Triune God. Dr. Letham begins by offered the dominant arguments for God’s existence and proceeds to show how the doctrine of the Trinity unfolding in church history and redemptive history, respectively.

The remaining sections appear as one might expect – the doctrine of the Word of God, the works of God, the image of God, the covenant of God, Christ, the Son of God, the Spirit of God and the People of God, and the Ultimate Purposes of God.

Letham draws on a wide range of evangelical writers as he articulates each doctrine – biblically, historical, and always in the conservative evangelical stream. The work done by Dr. Letham on this point is unusually objective. By that, I mean, while the author does not hide his doctrinal pre-commitments, he is eager to fairly represent his opponents.

As with any work of systematic theology, readers will likely not agree with everything. Some readers, like me, will need to look elsewhere on matters that pertain to baptism and eschatology. Nonetheless, Systematic Theology makes a noteworthy contribution to a growing list of robust offerings. I will turn to this volume often and use it as a trustworthy resource for theological study and reflection.

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