When you hear the surname ‘Spurgeon,’ what comes to your mind? Do you think of the prince of preachers, Charles Haddon Spurgeon? Do you think of Charles’ God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, Spirit-empowered ministry? Or do you think of his beloved helpmeet, Susannah Spurgeon. In most cases, shamefully, Susannah Spurgeon has been forgotten in Church history. Behind every great minister of the gospel, there is a faithful and loving wife. Charles Spurgeon’s ministry would not have been what it was without his beloved wife, Susannah. Every minister of the gospel can testify to this reality. If it were not for the support and care of our precious wives, our ministries would be nothing. Though Susannah was often behind the scenes, she played a vital role in Charles’ ministry.

Now, as you look for books to add to your Christmas list this year, you may ask the following: Is there a biography that highlights the life and legacy of Susannah Spurgeon? Yes, there is! This year, I urge you to pick up a copy of Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon by Ray Rhodes Jr. In roughly 294 pages, covering fifteen chapters, Rhodes has given the Church a historically accurate, stirring, and definite account of the life of Susannah Spurgeon. Many thank God for the life and ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, but we should also thank God for the life and labors of Susannah Spurgeon. Ray Rhodes has given us numerous reasons to thank God for the legacy of ‘Susie.’ As you work your way through each chapter, you will be stirred, encouraged, and convicted with the Christlike love and care that Susie carried towards her husband, her children, and the world around her.

To highlight the legacy of Susannah Spurgeon, I will take you to the epilogue of Rhodes’ book. In this section, Rhodes’ gives us seven lessons from the life of Susie:

  • Susie looked to Jesus.
  • Susie trained her children in the ways of the Lord.
  • Susie loved and treasured the Bible and read many books.
  • Susie loved pastors and their families.
  • Susie looked for the beauty of God in all things – and found creative ways to communicate His beauty to others.
  • Susie faced hardships with faith and service.
  • Susie advanced her husband’s legacy

No matter who you are, male or female, you can learn from Susannah Spurgeon. Each lesson that Rhodes highlights in the epilogue are intricately woven throughout all fifteen chapters, leaving the reader with lifelong lessons from Susannah.

My friend, you want to get this book this Christmas. In Susie, we see the power of God on display. We see the aroma of Christ running through all her labors. We see a life well-lived for the glory of God and the good of others. In Susie, we have a wonderful pattern to follow. May we look to Jesus. May we love and treasure the Bible. May we seek to advance the cause of Christ in our day.

Pick up your copy today!

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