Few issues are as volatile and as least understood as the issue of abortion. People today on the pro-choice side of the debate make two arguments. The first is that they are autonomous individuals, therefore, able to make choices that only impact their own lives. This view has many problems with it, but the second viewpoint, the emotional argument, is even more prevalent on this issue. In both views, people argue they have a choice to choose what is best for them. What this viewpoint fails to consider is that choices have consequences. When a woman has an abortion, she is consciously choosing to end the life of an innocent defenseless child so that her life may be “better” by allowing her more freedom, without the responsibility of having a child.

In the midst of cultural confusion on abortion to date, ten Planned Parenthood videos have been released. These videos have exposed the evil of the pro-choice agenda, US tax-funder backed organization Planned Parenthood. These videos display the horror of baby parts being sold for a lot of money, all for the purpose of profiting off a woman’s “right to choose”.

The issue of abortion is an explosive one for many people. I grew up in the Seattle, Washington area, a city in Washington that is known for being very politically liberal. In this context, I learned to listen, ask questions, and deal with objections to the biblical understanding of life and biblical Christianity. Behind the positions that people hold to are individuals created in the image and likeness of God. This means that we see people’s statements, not as an argument to be debated and engaged in only, but as beliefs of people worthy of dignity and respect. We see them as people worthy of engagement with biblical truth and with the gospel for the purpose of seeing God transform their thoughts and lives with His Word and gospel so that they might become wholly His.

In the midst of the current cultural chaos on abortion is the adoption movement. J.I. Packer once said about adoption, “Our first point about adoption is that it is the highest privilege that the gospel offers” (J. I. Packer, Knowing God, 206). Scripture backs Packer’s assessment of adoption as seen in passages like Romans 8:15-17 (cf. Galatians 4:4-7), in which Paul emphasizes the closeness, affection, and generosity that comes to us when, through justification, God makes us His children. As adopted children, we call God “Abba”, the Aramaic word for “father” or “daddy”, and the term Jesus Himself used to address Him (Mark 14:36). Through adoption, we also experience great generosity as we become “heirs of God and fellow heirs of Christ”, which means we become the heirs and owners of all things (Hebrews 1:2; 1 Corinthians 3:21-23).

J.I. Packer goes on in Knowing God to explain how adoption must be the framework through which we view and live the rest of the Christian lives. Yes, it really is that important and that essential to the Christian life. 1 John 3:1, “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” Praise God for that!

In this issue, you’ll read clear, biblical, moral, ethical, and practical teaching on abortion, but more than this you’ll learn reasons why abortion is wrong, and what to do about it. You’ll also learn from some leading thinkers, writers, and speakers about the adoption movement, how you can pray for them, and support the great work God is doing in this movement.

I’m excited for you to read this issue and believe the Lord will use it in your life to challenge you, convict you, strengthen your faith, and equip you to serve Him.

In Christ Alone,

Dave Jenkins

Executive Editor, Theology for Life

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