Let’s start out by telling our readers a little about you. (Current ministry context, family, joys in life, etc.)

I’m a self-described recovering Pharisee, jack of all trades, master of none. I’ve been a cardiac nurse for more than 29 years and am a part-time correspondent for WORLD magazine, a contributor here at Servants of Grace, and a regular contributor to the Gospel Coalition. I also am very involved in mercy ministry and working with victims of sex trafficking.

In 2013, my 54-year-old husband was called home, leaving me and my college aged children behind. Since then I have written much about God’s faithfulness to the widow, working and the church, and Christian living.

My son graduated from Covenant College with a degree in biology and is headed to Nashville to work with immigrants with World Relief. My daughter graduated from Covenant last year also, earning her master’s degree and teaches middle and high school students. I recently wrote about her marriage to an African American which garnered considerable controversy.

What are you reading right now?

  • The White Umbrella, Walking with Survivors of Sex Trafficking-Mary Frances Bowley
  • The Betrayal Bond-Breaking Free of Exploitive Relationships- Patrick J. Carnes
  • Blood Done Signed My Name Timothy B Tyson
  • Word-filled Women’s ministry– Gloria Furman
  • Found in Him-Jenn Wilkin
  • Being There-Dave Furman

What are some books you regularly re-read and why?

  • The Bible – because I’m commanded to do so and found out why when I did.
  • *Things Not Seen- Jon Bloom
  • *Sensing Jesus- Zach Eswine

*Both these books, so beautifully and humbly written out of brokenness and wisdom give me hope God works in our darkest times.

It takes a lot for me to reread a book- there seem to be more books out there I want to read than I have time to consider.

What biographies or autobiographies have you read recently?

Fierce Convictions: The Extraordinary Life of Hannah More_Poet, Reformer, Abolitionist-Karen Swallow Prior

Mama MaggieThe Untold Story of One Woman’s Mission to Love the Forgotten Children of Egypt’s Garbage Slums-Marty Makary and Ellen Vaughn

Speaking of biographies and such, is there any particular one that has influenced you a great deal in your faith?

Book-The Micah Mandate– Dr. George Grant

Biography-devotional -Life After Breath – After Her Husband Takes His Last Breath, and After She Tries to Catch Hers-Susan Vandepol Has helped me embrace my identity as a widow, in light of my identity in Christ.

If you were sitting down with a fellow believer and they asked for your top five book recommendations on Christian living, what would they be?

  • The Micah Mandate– Dr. George Grant
  • Sensing Jesus– Zach Eswine
  • Knowing God– J. I. Packer
  • Because He Loves Me- Elyse Fitzpatrick
  • The Hammer of God– Bo Giertz

What books have molded how you serve and lead others in the gospel? 

The Micah Mandate– Dr. George Grant- read this in a day because I couldn’t put it down. It’s a glorious collection of faith and gospel driven response.

A little book called Today’s Gospel, by Walt Chantry, introduced me to Reformed theology.

I give a copy of Because He Loves Me to every new believer I encounter.

Finally, let’s conclude with this question. What are you learning about life and daily following Jesus?

I’m learning to let go of everything- even and especially my successes to the purposes of Christ in my life and to walk in what He gives me by faith.

I often prayed and asked God for “more of Christ”, in my life. When God brought suffering, (something I didn’t know I was praying for) I have come to understand none of us can bear even a teaspoon from the cup he drank for us.


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