On today’s Equipping You in Grace show Dave and Scott Christensen discuss the character of God and the problem of evil, helping people in our local churches process the problem of evil, and how it finds it’s answer in Jesus, along with his book, What about Evil? A Defense of God’s Sovereign Glory (P&R, 2021).

What you’ll hear in this episode

  • Helping people in our local churches process the problem of evil.
  • How the problem of evil finds its answer in the person and work of Jesus.
  • How the character of God helps Christians address the problem of evil.
  • How the glory of God helps Christians with questions related to evil and suffering.
  • What it looks like for Christians to walk alongside of those facing hard seasons of suffering.
  • How Christians hold the sovereignty of God and free will in tension and not compromise on one or the other.

About the Guest

Scott Christensen (MDiv, The Master’s Seminary) is the author of What about Free Will? He worked for nine years at the award-winning CCY Architects in Aspen, Colorado: several of his home designs were featured in Architectural Digest magazine. Called out of this work to the ministry, he graduated with honors from seminary and now serves as the associate pastor of Kerrville Bible Church in Kerrville, Texas.

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