Grace is a reality that followers of Christ live in every moment. Yet, grace is also reality that many Christians struggle to comprehend fully. Grace does not merely save us from hell, grace is what gives us a new identity in Christ as adopted sons and daughters of God. This is the theme of the new devotion book Saving Grace published by New Growth Press. Saving Grace is based on sermons from the late C. John “Jack” Miller, founder of Serge (formerly World Harvest Mission) and New Life Presbyterian Church in Jenkintown, PA.

Jack spent his life devoted to sharing the grace of Jesus. As a husband, father, pastor, missionary, seminary professor, and author Jack experienced the grace of God in fresh ways. His sermons are packed with gospel truth that points the reader to Jesus for grace in every day life. The saving grace of Jesus does not merely save us from an eternity in hell, but it saves us to live a new life in Jesus. Grace allows us to live with a new identity as we prepare for eternity. Grace allows us to walk with Jesus daily as we grow in holiness.

Saving Grace is a great daily devotion that I recommend to everyone seeking to grow in their walk with Christ. What we need when we are struggling is not a pep talk that we can pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. No! What we need in that moment is a heavy dose of God’s grace! This is what you get with Saving Grace is a heavy dose of grace on a daily basis. Saving Grace by Jack Miller is the My Utmost for His Highest for this generation. I highly recommend it to everyone who is looking for a devotion to start in the new year. Pick up a copy of Saving Grace and experience God’s grace afresh!

I received this book from New Growth Press in exchange for an honest review.

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