“I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure; enjoy yourself.” But behold, this also was vanity” (Ecc. 2:1).

The writer takes many roads to find happiness, yet there was nothing worthwhile in any of the avenues he chose. He remained just as unfulfilled, as before. Much effort was utilized, but he still was unsatisfied. He found unsatisfaction with one thing, moved onto the next and found the same thing. Nowhere under the sun is there any remote avenue of satisfaction.

The Reformation Study Bible describes what writer shared about his activity: he set out “[t]o determine what was good for people to do, Solomon investigated life without forgetting the protective guidance of God’s word.”

Many of us have sought out happiness. We have used many avenues like Solomon. Unfortunately, we can have a tendency to seek out happiness without too much consideration for the Word of God.

While we, as humans, are restless by nature bouncing from one activity to the next, there should continue to remain no satisfaction in the “stuff” of earth. Whether it be at our jobs, in food or alcohol, friendships, or earthly riches, none of these things can ever be as a viable means to give us satisfaction to soothe our souls.

While I may be limited in activity, there are many pursuits I could (and likely) have chased after – to fill the emptiness that finds my soul at times. Non-Jesus sort of pursuits. Well, that isn’t entirely true. There are even “good” pursuits, that still would not satisfy. Only God can satisfy our deepest longings. My top methods of seeking satisfaction include friendships, a “to do” list, food, social media, even ministry attempts. I am filled with “great ideas,” but when they fall through the cracks – there goes the dissatisfaction once again.

Regardless of our health, jobs, families, we will face the wandering of dissatisfaction and how to get it to stop. The dissatisfaction, or emptiness, is something we need a cure for. While we do have a cure, it is not one that we automatically run toward – in a frenzy of activity. Jesus Christ is our cure. While dissatisfaction feels as though it is a curse, Jesus is the cure all we have searched for a long time for.

The cure, Jesus Christ the Savior of the world, isn’t found in a frenzy of activity, though. You can’t run to the mall and buy Jesus (nor will you find Jesus at a discounted price). Jesus Christ is found in the absence of activity. In Luke 10:38-42, we are met with two women: Mary and Martha. While Martha was in a frenzy of activity and dissatisfied her sister wasn’t helping, her sister Mary was found quietly at Jesus’ feet. She wasn’t consumed by her activities but checked them at the door when she let in Jesus and his disciples who have come for a shared meal and a teaching. In the midst of the frenzy of activity look to Jesus Christ. He alone is the satisfaction our souls desire.


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