What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert
What is the Gospel? It seems like such an easy question, but I must submit to you that if you were to ask everyone in your congregation this one question that you would get a myriad of answers (most of which would be unbiblical). How can that be since we call ourselves born-again Christians whose very existence is owed to a Savior who took on flesh as the God-man, lived a perfect life, died a perfect death under the wrath of His Heavenly Father as the payment for our sins, and was resurrected in victory? Greg Gilbert’s book “What is the Gospel?” is a brief attempt (124 pages) “to offer a clear answer to that question, one that is based on what the Bible itself teaches about the gospel.” Gilbert’s aim in this book is fivefold:
(1) “First, if you are a Christian, I pray that this little book-and more importantly, the glorious truths it attempts to articulate-will cause your heart to swell with joy and praise toward Jesus Christ for what he has accomplished for you.”
(2) “Second, I hope that reading this book will give you a deeper confidence as you talk to others about the good news of Jesus.”
(3) “Third, I pray that you will see the importance of this gospel for the life of the church, and that as a result you will work to make sure that this gospel is preached, sung, prayed, taught, proclaimed, and heard in every aspect of your church’s life.”
(4) “Fourth, I hope this book will help to shore up the edges of the gospel in your mind and heart.”
(5) “Finally, if you’re not a Christian, then I pray that by reading this book you will be provoked to think hard about the good news of Jesus Christ.”
“What is the Gospel?” provides its readers with a crystal-clear presentation of the gospel that answers questions like: Who made us? Why were we made? How do we experience reconciliation with our Creator after The Fall? Now that we are reconciled to our Creator, how do we accurately and consistently spread the Good News to others? This truly is a simple book (and I mean that in a good way) that is deeply needed in most churches today. The truth of what the Gospel is from a biblical point of view, why it is important, and how to share it are all included in Gilbert’s book. “What is the Gospel?” is a book I plan on recommending to the students I minster to as the leader of the college student ministry in my local church for years to come.
Disclaimer: I was provided the 9Marks Series by Logos Bible Software in exchange for an honest review. My review did not have to be positive, and I was only obligated to give my honest opinion about the 9Marks Series and Logos Bible Software. https://www.logos.com/product/33547/9marks-series?utm_source=joshdavis_sog&utm_medium=review&utm_content=productreview_33547&utm_campaign=logos2013q4
Josh is a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, staunch defender of Reformed Theology, husband to Candis, Dad to Jaeden, avid book reader, Leader of the College Ministry at Perimeter Road Baptist Church, and Contract Manager at CPS, Inc.