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  • Hope When It Hurts: Biblical Reflections to Help You Grasp God’s Purpose in Your Suffering by Kristen Wetherell and Sarah Walton
  • Suffering and the Sovereignty of God edited by John Piper
  • Christians Get Depressed Too by David Murray
  • Tempted and Tried by Russell Moore
  • The Freedom of the Will by Jonathan Edwards (1754)
  • The Doctrine of God by John Frame (P&R, 2002)
  • How Long, O Lord: Reflections on Suffering and Evil by D. A. Carson (Baker Academic, 2006)
  • A God Entranced Vision of All Things: The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor (Crossway, 2008)
  • Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I Packer
  • The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink

For more information on this subject, you can also check out https://servantsofgrace.org to view our many articles.
In Christ,
Sarah Jenkins Design Coordinator and Editor of Theology for Life Magazine

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