This season at Servants of Grace, we’ve been taking a look at the person and work of Jesus. From attacks against the idea of Jesus dying in our place for our sin, to the exclusivity of Christ, many people have a great deal of questions about the person and work of Jesus. With this issue of Theology for Life Magazine, we hope that readers would grow in their understanding of the person and work of Jesus. If you’ve found this subject interesting and want to study the issue further, please check out the recommended reading list below. These are at the top of this genre in both excellence and readability.

  • The Truth of the Cross by R.C. Sproul—this book is a great introduction to what Christ accomplished on the Cross.
  • The Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson—this is a fantastic book that will help Christians understand regeneration, faith, justification, sanctification, and much more.
  • Putting Amazing Back into Grace by Michael Hortonthis is a great book that will help readers to understand the theology of Reformed Christians.
  • Redemption: Accomplished and Applied by John Murray—this is a great book that will help readers understand the doctrine of atonement, along with the order of salvation.
  • The Work of Christ by Robert Letham—this book will help Christians learn Christ’s work as Prophet, Priest, and King.
  • Pierced For Our Transgressions by Steve Jeffery, Mike Ovey, and Andrew Sach—this book will help readers understand what the penal substitionary atonement of Christ is, how it’s under attack, and how to stand fast for the biblical gospel.
  • The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen—this is a classic treatment on the doctrine of particular atonement. Owen demonstrates from the Scriptures that Christ died to die, not merely to make salvation possible.
  • The Unexpected Jesus by R.C. Sproul—this is a very helpful introduction to the person and work of Jesus.
  • The Glory of Christ by John Owen—this is a treasure trove on the person and work of Jesus.
  • The Person and Work of Christ by B.B. Warfield—this volume on the person and work of Jesus is a must read.

In Christ Alone,

Dave Jenkins

Executive Editor, Theology for Life Magazine


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