My wife and I try to read once we get into bed. We started out doing well in our Bible reading plan, but we have lost consistency in that area. My wife had a birthday a couple of months ago. Like most of her birthdays or holidays that deal with gift giving, I always buy her a couple of books. I can recall her first birthday that we celebrated as a dating couple that I bought her books. Throughout our relationship from dating to engagement I made it my goal to buy her resources that would help her spiritual formation. I desire to watch after my wife’s intake of books on Christianity and theology.
Your Wife’s Reading Habits Matter
First of all her Bible intake is more important than her casual reading. On Tuesday nights she goes to women’s Bible study where they are covering a book of the Bible using a solid workbook by a trustworthy author. It is hard to know who writes sound theological literature these days. It is sad when you can walk into a Christian bookstore and find books by men who hold biblical, theological views sitting next to authors who are open theists or “word of faith” false teachers. This is why I make it my aim to guard my wife when it comes to what books she reads.
Now I am a complementarian when it comes to how I view what the Bible says about the roles of men and women. So don’t be quick to think that by me guarding my wife’s mind and heart I am somehow overbearing or domineering. I will be the same way with our children. Fortunately, my wife takes the Word seriously and doesn’t accept just anything as truth. She reads the Word enough to know the difference between false teaching and Scriptural truth.
Shepherding Your Wife’s Reading Habits
If we do not know who our wife is reading then just about any author under the sun can be influencing her. Before my wife and I got married just about every gift, I’d give her were books. I wanted to build her library of solid Christian authors to guide her. Too often Christian men become passive and lethargic in the area of family worship. Christian men are not called to be passive when it comes to their wife’s spiritual health. I desire my wife to be a faithful student of the Word, steadfast in keeping the covenant we’ve made together, and a healthy church member. All of these aspirations I have for her are rooted in Scripture. My role in her life is to edify her, encourage, and equip her to walk in a manner worthy of our Lord (Ephesians 5:25, Colossians 1:10).
Watching My Own Life and Example
Before I am to pour into college students or anyone else, I am to pour into my wife. Lately, I have noticed that I have been lacking in this area of leading my wife through the Scriptures. But I press on to turn from my passive ways and cling the calling as a husband to care for my wife’s spiritual needs. I am thankful that while she knows that where I fail her, the Lord never will. It is only by His might and His power that enables me to be a husband to help lead her well.
In order for me to be watchful of what my wife reads. I need to take care of my own Bible intake. Too often Christian men can slack off in be students of the Word. The matters of the church seem fleeting. Ironing out a solid Christian worldview can seem unnecessary. But this apathy is the direct result of men having weak, shallow, and small theological views. Excuses arise like “Well I’m too busy at with work” or “that’s the pastors’ job.” Well, actually it is the head of the households duty to guide his family in the Scriptures and guiding his family to resources that will cause one’s view of God to grow bigger and bigger. How can I lead well in family worship in my home if I am not reading my Bible on my own?
If I desire to one day lead my children through the Bible shouldn’t I be with my wife leading her through the Scriptures, praying with her, and praying for the salvation of our children right now? There is the old saying “You’re never prepared to have kids.” And I get that. However, you can be ready to guide your children through the Scriptures, and it starts with leading our wife.
I am working to be a better example of leading my wife in family worship, but I praise the Lord He brings it to my mind to be on striving to be more caring of my wife’s spiritual growth. My hope is that God would place a desire in your heart to step up in leading your family in worship at home.
Final Thoughts
The purpose of family worship is to prepare them for the gathering of the fellowship of believers on the Lord’s Day. Reading Scripture, prayer, teaching Scripture, and edification of believers is not just to be done on Sunday mornings; it is to be replicated in the home. If we want to see churches that will stand firm like pillar and buttress that Paul claimed the church is (1 Timothy 3:15). It starts with leading our wives, raising faithful children, and plowing hard through the Scriptures.
Taylor Cain is a graduate of Arkansas Tech University, Journalism(B.A), and graduated with a Masters of Divinity in Preaching and Pastoral Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the Director of Students and church member at Liberty Baptist Church in Liberty, MO. He is married to Callie Cain.