Nearly five hundred years ago, Martin Luther nailed his now famous ninety-five theses to the castle door in Wittenberg. Luther’s courage continues to inspire faithful followers of Jesus. His character raises the bar for anyone who strives to serve with truth-centered passion in the Kingdom of God. His conviction puts steely audacity in the hearts of the timid and fearlessness in the one prone to cowardice. The resolve of Martin Luther helps fuel a new generation of Christians who do the right things for the right reasons—all for the glory of God.

Reformation Theology, edited by Matthew Barrett celebrates the doctrinal realities that flowed forth from the pens of men like Martin Luther and John Calvin. Barrett rightly argues that the gospel was rediscovered during the Protestant Reformation. He adds, “The Reformation was a return to a gospel-centered, Word-centered church.” Thus, this book seeks to present a systematic summary of Reformation theology.

Part One reveals the historical background of the Reformation and alerts readers to the pertinent details of the Reformation that helped fuel the fire which erupted in the sixteenth century.

Part Two compromises the vast majority of the book and contains the finer points of Reformation theology. Every theme that one might fathom is outlined in this volume – everything from the doctrine of justification by faith alone to the solas, predestination, and election, and the Lord’s Supper. No stone is left unturned here.

Reformation Theology is a must for students of historical theology and systematic theology. The depth and breadth of scholarship are stunning. We owe an enormous debt to Matthew Barrett for teaming up with such an exceptional group of theologians.

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