indexThank you for your interest in writing on Servants of Grace. Our writers have written all over the internet for publications like The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, Modern Reformation, Blue Letter Bible, The Huffington Post, The Washington Times to name a few. Here at Servants of Grace we value high quality, Bible saturated, and God-glorifying writing. Below you’ll find information related to what we expect for writing on our website.

How can I pitch my article or book review idea?

Step 1: Read and follow the following submission guidelines.

Our purpose: Servants of Grace exists to be a resource to the local church through the preaching of God’s Word, spiritual growth and training future leaders.

SOG Article and Review Pitch Guidelines

We currently accept unsolicited article or review pitches. All writing for Servants of Grace should reflect these core values.

Biblical: We are looking for content that is focused on a biblical text and is faithful to that biblical text.

Practical — Give us a plan for how to address a problem or issue in the Christian life or ministry. Diagnose the heart of the issue and root your application in the finished work of Christ. We are looking for practical, not pragmatic.

Devotional — We are looking for content that helps us treasure Christ more greatly, know him more deeply, and orient around his gospel. Biblical reflections, theological meditations, or spiritual illustrations. Help us enjoy grace and delight in God.

In addition to this we request that your content is:

  • Gospel-centered
  • Local Church Promoting
  • Culturally Winsome
  • Mission Driven
  • Within these parameters, there are lots of possibilities for topics and texts to explore. We are prioritizing the Christian ministry and the Christian life.

Suggested word length 300 to 2000 words.

  • Align with the historic Christian faith as articulated by faith statements as the London Baptist Statement of 1689, the Westminster Confession, The Danvers Statement, and The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.
  • Be clear and sound, but write with excellence and creativity.
  • Solid and theologically sound ideas are a must, but solid ideas written excellently have best chance of publication.
  • No academic papers or journal entries.

Step 2: Submit a query below. Your query should include:

  • Your name and email address
  • One or two paragraphs on how your article or review fits within Servants of Grace mission
  • Summary of the article or book review idea
  • Your intended reader
  • A brief personal bio
  • A writing sample (if you’ve never written with us before)
  • You will have 300-2000 words for your article.
  • All proposals should be saved as a Microsoft Word document and sent as an attachment to Executive Director Dave Jenkins ( Please put guest article or guest submission in the subject line of your email.
  • The editorial team will respond to article pitches within ten to fourteen business days.

Step 3: Receive feedback from our editorial team.

Step 4: Begin writing the full length article or review!

Step 5: Once your article or review is written and we’ve posted it please share it throughout your social media channels and on your blog (if you have one). You may post the article you’ve written for us on your blog with a link back to the original article on SOG. This should read something like “This article was first published at Servants of Grace (with a hyperlink on Servants of Grace).”

We do not offer compensation for resources submitted to Servants of Grace.

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