On today’s show, Dave talks with James Coates and Nathan Busenitz about Christian conscience, Christian liberty, statism, James’ testimony, sphere sovereignty, government overreach, and their book, God vs. Government: Taking a Biblical Stand When Christ and Compliance Collide (Harvest House, 2022)

What you’ll hear in this episode

  • How we can pray for believers in Canada.
  • The differences between Grace Community and GraceLife Church in Canada and how they navigated the challenges of COVID.
  • Government overreach and what point must Christians speak out.
  • Christian conscience and Christian liberty.
  • Sphere sovereignty and church government.
  • Statism and the lockdown compliance.
  • How the Lord ministered to James’ family and church when he was in family.
  • Religious freedom and what Christians need to know to protect and stand up for the faith.

About the Guest

Nathan Busenitz is the executive vice president and provost of The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles. He also serves as part of the pastoral staff at Grace Community Church and has written or contributed to numerous books, including Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong. He and his wife, Beth, have four children.

James Coates is the pastor-teacher of GraceLife Church of Edmonton, Canada. He graduated with MDiv and DMin degrees at The Master’s Seminary. He and his wife, Erin, have two sons.

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