“May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you! May he send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion!” (Psalm 20:1-2)
Psalms 20 is the place, where my heart sets its sights. Particularly so, during specific trials – where I am not sure what to expect or its end result. This Psalm is one God has greatly used to calm my anxious heart. My heart is continually turning to this particular Psalm. As a person who faces trials often, it offers me an abundance of hope. It is in this place, where my heart can unload the burdens it carries due to circumstances I cannot control. It is this reality of knowing God is forever my hope and support. God will help me up, whenever I fall down. Also: It reminds me that circumstances don’t have the final word, because God is the Author and Creator of everything; He can bring good from my circumstances.
Having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ – is a very special gift we have been given. It is in Christ, that we find strength to go on. Even on our hardest days, we can readily run to Him and He will welcome us with open arms. He will meet us anywhere. Thankfully, nothing in my life scares God. He willfully endures all of my trials with me – equipping me, as we go along. This is why His support matters. Because He does this for me, I know He can do it for you too; Our circumstances can scare us, but not God.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we have become children of God. As His children, we are granted many privileges that we might otherwise miss. Our circumstances don’t define us, because of Jesus Christ and His eternal work through His suffering, death, and resurrection. He has brought salvation to all mankind, but doesn’t stop there. He is intent on building a relationship with us, and will take us through every storm we face.
While we might wish for the storm to cease, God answers and offers us His support. Because of the trust (and confidence) we can have in our great God, we can turn and trust Him at any moment. Granted, we have times when we don’t turn to Him – quite as readily. Yet, God remains exactly who He is. God doesn’t change, even when we (or our circumstances) do. This is what makes friendship with God to be so unique. We are not left alone for any time period, but He keeps coming as we invite Him into our lives.
This world, and even our best friends, cannot compete with God. Our friendship with God is exactly what we need, which is why Jesus Christ came. We have been reconciled to God, if we will accept Jesus Christ and all He is. Jesus Christ will change our lives, for the better.
Follower of Jesus Christ. Fresno Pacific University Grad (BA’s in Christian Ministry & Early Childhood Development). Author of “Grace Leads” and other writing projects. While life’s adversity has made its appearance in her life, through developmental delays and now chronic illness, she writes thoughtful pieces to give readers a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Gracefully Overcoming is where you can find out more about her writing ministry.