James Montgomery Boice was the pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA until he went home to glory. He was a leader in the Reformed movement, and his commentaries have received a wide reading and helped many (and continue to do so).
Foundations of the Christian Faith is a rerelease of Boice’s volume. This new volume was edited by Philip Graham Ryken and includes a study guide and questions. The chapters were originally sermons preached to his congregation. Additionally, he hoped this work would be used by college students on their campus.
A pastoral heart is evident throughout. He wanted his people and the reader to know God and understand His word.
If you are beginning your journey of studying theology, this book is an excellent place to start. And if you are well on your journey, this will be a worthy addition to your library because the book is for the whole person, our mind and heart.
Here are three reasons to invest your time to work through this 800+ page tome.
- Boice is committed to Scripture. The first section covers the doctrine of Scripture. He was one of the framers of the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy, and his commitment to Scripture is evident throughout the book. This is an exegetical systematic theology. Proof texting is not used to make a point. The riches of Scripture are mined to show what the Bible teaches about the doctrine at hand.
- Boice is a clear communicator. Nothing is more frustrating in reading a theological work, minus mishandling Scripture, than an unclear author. The explanations of doctrines are clear and concise, and peripheral matters that are not pertinent to the discussion are left out. If you have a theological question and want a straight answer turn to this book for a trusted, clear answerer.
- Boice stands in the Reformed tradition. He is Reformed and not ashamed of it, and he was Reformed before it was “cool.” He uses the confessions only to explain a point he has already made from Scripture. Reformed theology’s hallmarks are a big, biblical view of God and a reverence for God’s word as our main means of knowing Him. Theology is about knowing God, not just knowing about Him.
The book is broken up into four different books. Book one is about the sovereign God, knowing Him, understand His Word, and His attributes and works. Book two is about the redeeming God, how He saves sinners through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Book three is about awakening to God. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, who takes us from death to spiritual life. The last and fourth book is about God and history, which covers the church, society, and the last times.
I highly recommend this volume to you. Anything from Boice is worth your time, and this is no exception. You will love God more intimately because of the time and work you give to this book.
Get your own copy and sit down with a Bible, pen, and notebook and behold your glorious God.
Ben is the Executive Pastor of Grace Community Church in Berea, KY where he seeks to equip Christians to understand the Bible through music and teaching. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and their three daughters. You will often find Ben reading a thick theological book.