EPSC_Acts_1024x1024Even though I am only a lay-leader, Bible commentaries hold a special place in my heart. I own a pretty substantial collection of commentaries in both hardback/paperback and also in digital formats (Kindle, Logos, and Olive Tree). Therefore, whenever I am given the chance to read through a new commentary, especially one that is from a solid publisher and written by a Reformed author, I jump at the chance to read through it and glean as much sound information from it as possible. The EP Study Commentary on Acts by Guy Prentiss Waters is a welcome addition to the EPSC commentary series, and one that will have lasting value to anyone who wants to dive deeper into the Book of Acts.

This specific commentary does an outstanding job of staying focused on the text of Scripture that it deals with and avoids getting bogged down into either minute details or chasing theological rabbit trails, that some commentaries are so prone to do. There is a “Gospel of Mark” feeling one gets as they come to the end of this commentary; quick, concise, and enough details to leave you wanting to continue your study of this wonderful book of the Bible. There is a more than an adequate supply of outlines on each chapter, background information, important characters, etc., but it is all handled with such succinctness that you are rarely tempted to skip over anything to get to the “meat” of the commentary for fear of missing anything pertinent that Mr. Waters would like to share with you.

Also, another thing that comes across quite clearly in this commentary is Mr. Water’s pastoral heart. There is a tenderness in his writing style that oozes with a heartfelt desire for his readers that some commentaries written by theological teachers struggle to get across. One of the ways we see Mr. Water’s pastoral heart is in the application section at the end of each chapter. There is a deep desire to not only rightly handle the Word, but also to show readers how to apply it in their everyday lives. That was such a refreshing thing to come upon in this commentary on Acts by Dr. Waters.

The EP Study Commentary on Acts by Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters is a wonderful addition to the extensive offerings on the book of Acts. It is concise, yet thorough, and has a great deal to offer Christians on the history of the early church and how the Spirit of God worked in and through the Apostles. I highly recommend this commentary!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for my unbiased review.


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