We recently took the training wheels off my son’s bike. After a few falls, he wanted to quit and put the training wheels back on. I imagine Bible reading can feel similar. In January, we resolved to read the Bible. A couple of months later, we might look at how many days we’ve missed and want to put the training wheels back on. My son had to learn how to fall and get back on his bike. Likewise, things don’t always go according to plan with Bible reading, but we need to get up and keep going. Don’t give up. Let me offer four tips that have helped me learn to get back up and keep going and growing in Bible reading.

Pace. A sustainable pace is key for consistency and persistence in your Bible reading. University students with a full course load will burn out trying to read the entire Bible in 90 days. As runners pace themselves to finish the race, please set a pace for yourself and keep that pace for your Bible reading.

Pray. Prayerlessness suffocates our Bible engagement. By clothing our Bible reading in prayer, we ask God to awaken us to life in his word. Understanding and applying Scripture is a gift from God (Proverbs 2:6 and 1 Corinthians 2). All the tools and strategies we use to understand the Bible must be powered by the Holy Spirit, and, therefore, we must pray. Please take a deep breath, pray a brief prayer before reading Scripture, and then repeat when you finish.

Play. Audio Bibles are useful. I recommend the ESV Bible, available on an Apple or Android device. Most Christians did not have a personal copy of God’s Word for many centuries. They couldn’t pick their black leather Bible off the shelf, sit down with a cup of coffee, and scan the book of Romans. To study the Bible, someone had to read it to them. The authors of the Bible wrote with this in mind. “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it” (Revelation 1:3; Colossians 4:16). Taking advantage of an audio Bible can inject new life into your walk with the Lord. Unlike paper copies of the Bible, you can use audio Bibles while driving, cooking, shaving, etc. Hitting play on the ESV Bible on audio can help you steal five minutes of your day to take in God’s word.

Persist. Reading the Bible is a lifelong habit. There will be days, maybe months, when we get up from the chair and feel we have gained nothing from our Bible reading. But commit to getting back in the chair and keeping your nose in the Book. There is life-giving water in this well (Scripture) so keep coming with your bucket. Keep reading and keep trusting that “man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). One day the water will fill the bucket, and you will be glad you continued coming back to the Scripture day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year.


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