Servants of Grace is a multi-media ministry that exists to help people know the God of the Bible and equip God’s people to grow in His grace as they serve in the local church and beyond.

The resources at Servants of Grace aim to help people know the God of the Bible and to equip God’s people to grow in His grace as they serve in the local church and beyond. Your support will help us serve more people worldwide through articles, books, podcasts, our magazine, and more.

Specifically, your gift helps us to continue to provide:

  • Excellent resources through articles and our magazine.
  • Help to cover the cost of hosting.
  • Help make possible our ongoing and growing network of podcasts.

Servants of Grace Ministries is not a registered 501C organization, so your donations will not be tax deductible. We do,, however, appreciate your donations. Your gift will go towards hosting and continuing to provide excellent content from our articles, magazine, and podcasts.

Every donation matters, and we appreciate those who donate to our ministry. If you would be willing to help us, we would greatly appreciate you joining us as we seek to help people know the God of the Bible and equip God’s people to grow in grace.

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