download (1)The word law as it relates to Scripture often gets a bad rap. Grace often seems to be the most popular term of focus. The law is often viewed as something of an Old Testament or old covenant term that while important, is perhaps something we have found a bit of freedom from given our status as New Testament believers. Is that really what Scripture says and how we are to approach the law, specifically God’s law? Glenda Mathes, in her excellent devotional aptly titled Discovering Delight: 31 Meditations on Loving God’s Law, provides the reader with a proper biblical perspective on this subject.

This short yet powerful book is a series of meditations specifically focused on bringing to light the importance of God’s law and why we should be madly in love with obeying God’s commands. Mathes roots her meditations in the Psalms, with a great deal of time spent working through the entirety of Psalm 119, the largest Psalm and the Psalm that deals most heavily with the term law and what our approach should be to God’s law.

As Mathes notes at the beginning of this book, “Today’s Christians don’t want to read about law. They want to revel in gospel and grace. But the Bible clearly links law with love.” The majesty of Psalm 119 for instance in extolling the need to love God’s law is not an isolated perspective in Scripture. Mathes correctly states “Other Psalms, Old Testament passages, and New Testament texts specifically extol God’s law and encourage believers to love the written as well as the living Word.”

In each and every daily meditation provided in this book, Mathes explores what a certain text, in the case of this book a passage or passages in the Psalms, has to say about God’s law and our response to it. She not only examines the passage(s) in question with astute and sound exegesis, she also uses valuable examples of what loving God’s law looks like in practice. Additionally, she provides reflection questions at the conclusion of each meditation as additional food for thought, helping the reader dig even deeper into the passage with the focus of application and understanding.

If you are in love with God you will keep His commands. This means you will have a passion for Scripture and a desire to be a person of the Book, one who truly delights in God’s law. I highly recommend this devotional for all believers, especially in an age where the law has far too often been forgotten. After working through this devotional, I am quite confident you will have a renewed passion for Scripture and a renewed desire to be the obedient bride to which we have been called.

This book is available for purchase from Reformation Heritage Books by clicking here.

I received this book for free from Reformation Heritage Books via Cross Focused Reviews for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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