Developing a Biblical WorldviewOne of the greatest needs in the Christian Church today is helping Christians understand what a biblical worldview and why it matters in their everyday interactions with people. For example, understanding what a biblical worldview is will help you to be able to give an answer for the reason for your hope in Jesus (1 Peter 3:15). This is why when I read Developing A Biblical Worldview Seeing Things God’s Way by C. Fred Smith I was greatly encouraged since understanding what a biblical worldview is crucial to a vital and robust biblical Christianity.

The book looks at a biblical worldview through four questions, Who are we?, where are we?, what is wrong?, and what is the answer? Dr. Smith explains that the four question format offered in this book can make the basic outline of “the biblical worldview clear through a series of short statements. Who Are We? We are beings created in God’s image. Where Are We? We are in the world God created. What is Wrong? Sin. What is the Answer? Faith in Jesus Christ. This, however, is only a beginning, a set of hooks on which to hang everything. There is much more to hang on these four questions. This book is intended to help you develop the tools to spend a lifetime developing and refining a biblical understanding of the world and to engage critically the competing worldviews that are out there both now and in the decades ahead. The effort here is to be complete enough to give you more than minimal tools and yet flexible enough to equip you to apply it in a variety of settings and at whatever stage of spiritual growth you have reached” (10-11).

Chapter five considers the four question model through the lens of how Noah, Moses, and David would respond to them. Chapter six considers how Americans would answer the four worldview questions given by the author. Chapter seven helps readers to apply a biblical worldview and to be discerning. Chapter eight considers barriers to developing a biblical mindset and finally the book concludes with developing a biblical mindset.
Developing A Biblical Mindset is a very helpful book. The area I live in is heavily populated by Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormons. One thing I’ve found helpful is to ask these people, “Who do you think Jesus is?” Asking this question is about hearing from the person I’m talking to for the purpose of having a worldview conversation with this person. In my experience, some people will respond positively to this approach while others will become quite upset at you. The Bible from Genesis to Revelation testifies to the person and the finished work of Jesus Christ. We derive our worldview from the world of the Bible which is why as Christians we should be opening up our Bible’s on a daily basis to read, meditate, and study the inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and authoritative Word of God.

I highly recommend this thoughtful and very helpful book. This would be good for pastors to read and to use as they prepare a sermon series on what a biblical worldview is. Other uses for this book could be in a Sunday school class on apologetics or even in small groups. This would be a good book for professors to use at both the Bible college and seminary levels. This excellent book will introduce readers to worldview thinking and analysis with the end result that they will understand not only what a biblical worldview is but also how to apply a biblical worldview to their own lives, so they can think biblically about the world around them, and help others do the same.

I received this book for free from B&H Academic for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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