‘Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act”(Ps. 37:3-5).

In Psalm 37 we are taught to place our trust in the Lord. While we are taught to do good, dwell in the land, and to choose faithfulness, we are also taught to trust in the Lord. Each day, we are given new opportunities to trust our great God. He is the One who enables us to be faithful to Him and the tasks at hand.

During the Summer months, in particular, we are offered new opportunities to live out our faith. While it is nothing but sheer excitement for some, others are faced with Summer becoming their pruning ground. I fall into the latter category. Each Summer, I know unpredictability is what awaits me. This is the time, where I have to be intentional and give it all to our Lord Jesus. I have to surrender. When we surrender, God speaks volumes into our circumstances.

As I am learning to trust God with my circumstances, I am noticing the work He is doing on my behalf. While the art of surrender, giving difficulties to God versus trying to control them myself, can be difficult, it offers a glimpse into seeing what incredible thing God is going to do.

This past week or so, God has been teaching me through His Word concerning one of my circumstances. This area is one, where I have to trust God. I cannot fix this on my own. It is impossible to fix on my own. While this is true, something wonderful happens as I trust God and commit my ways to the Lord.

Trusting the Lord doesn’t mean that I suddenly have everything “figured out.” It means the opposite of that because I am choosing just to trust God to take care of my circumstances. Trusting means acknowledging that my circumstances are too big for me, but they are not too big for our great God and Savior to carry.

I don’t have everything sorted out. It is a daily process of learning to live out this set of verses. It is also a daily choice to trust God, commit my way to God, to doing good and learn to delight myself in the Lord.

During the Summer, in particular, my health takes on an increased burden load. This time is different than all of the rest, though. I can turn to God with these things, and trust Him to give me the tools I need. While I amusingly state Summer is my pruning season, it is true. It is in these days that I learn what it means to trust God. As long as I keep trusting Jesus and stay saturated in His Word, I will be okay. Trusting Him is the best option we have, for our lives, and is essential.

Trusting our great God is placing our lives into His sovereign capable hands. He is the One who will make a way, even when it seems like there’s no way out. He is the One who will provide all we need, even joy, as we walk through our various seasons of life.

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