In this issue of Theology for Life Magazine, we’ve been considering Sola Gratia (“by grace alone”). We understand that we haven’t covered everything on this topic, but it is our prayer that readers of this issue will grow in their understanding of it so they can stand fast on the Word of God.

If you’ve found this issue helpful and would like to study this subject further, please check out the following reading list. These books are at the top of their genre in both excellence and readability.

Introduction to the Five Solas:

  1. Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace? Rediscovering the Doctrines that Shook the World by James Montgomery Boice
  2. The Case for Traditional Protestantism: The Solas of the Reformation by Terry L. Johnson
  3. After Darkness Light: Distinctives of Reformed Theology edited by R.C. Sproul Jr.

Sola Gratia

  1. Selected Writings on Grace and Pelagianism by Augustine
  2. The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
  3. Chosen by God by R.C. Sproul
  4. Redemption: Accomplished and Applied by John Murray

I hope you’ll find these resources helpful as I have.

In Christ Alone,

Dave Jenkins

Executive Editor, Theology for Life Magazine

Download December 2023 on Sola Gratia: The Essence of God's Unmerited Favor

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