On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave Jenkins and Christina Fox discuss the sufficiency of Jesus, anxiety, and contentment in the Christian life, preaching the gospel to ourselves, supporting mothers in the local church, and her book, Sufficient Hope Gospel Meditations, and Prayers for Moms (P&R, 2019).

What you’ll hear in this episode

  • How the gospel relates to all of our lives as Christians.
  • What mommy guilt means.
  • Advice to new mom’s as they navigate the first few years of their new baby’s life.
  • What preaching the gospel means and how to engage in this very practical means of grace.
  • How understanding union with Christ helps Christian in the daily stuff of life.
  • How to navigate challenging days and situations as a mom.
  • Dealing with worry as a Christian mother.
  • Learning contentment as a Christian mother.
  • Learning to address sin in your children’s life.
  • Help for the mother who feels lonely.
  • Dealing with challenges life situations in the Christian life.
  • The need to read godly books to grow in the Christian life.
  • Older women loving and caring for younger men.

About the Guest

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