Today I interview Brian Cosby about his new book Uncensored: Daring to Embrace the Bible (David C Cook, 2015).

About the Book:
The Bible is full of stories that make us uncomfortable: Israelites stoned adulterers, slaves were told to obey masters, Jesus declared that sinners go to hell, and God commanded His people to kill others, both young and the old alike. In response, many of us opt for a feel-good faith by embracing only the socially acceptable verses and passages. In Uncensored, Brian Cosby disrupts this deadly trajectory by explaining why all Scripture is God-breathed, holy, and essential to us as believers. And he invites you to quit hiding behind the fig leaf of half-truth and embrace a healthy, passionate faith.

About the Author:

Brian Cosby is the author of numerous books including Giving Up Gimmicks: Reclaiming Youth Ministry from an Entertainment Culture. He is senior pastor of Wayside Presbyterian Church on Signal Mountain, Tennessee and is visiting professor of Church History at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia. He and his wife, Ashley, reside in Tennessee with their three children.

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