The raging controversy during the 1970s and 1980s was the inerrancy of Scripture. Theologians from the early church fathers to scholars today have affirmed that all Scripture is inspired and true, including the history, geography, dates, names and every single word. Men such as Carl F.H. Henry, James M. Boice, J.I. Packer, John MacArthur (Sr. and Jr.), Francis Schaeffer, Paige Patterson, Robert D. Preus, and W.A. Criswell gathered together during October 1978 to finalize the Chicago statement on inerrancy. Can I Trust the Bible by Dr. R.C. Sproul is the commentary of the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy.

The Chicago Statement on Inerrancy starts with five short sentences on Scripture’s divine origin, verbal, plenary inspiration and full and unmitigated inerrancy. The statement continues by offering nineteen articles of affirmation and denials explicitly laying out what the International  Council on Biblical Inerrancy is saying (Affirmations) and what it is not saying (denials) about the doctrine of Scripture. In Can I Trust the Bible? Dr. R.C. Sproul elaborates on and defends not only the Chicago statement on inerrancy but provides historical context on why the issues of the authority, revelation, inspiration, inerrancy and truthfulness of Scripture matter and then concludes with explaining how a proper understanding of the Word of God is important to individual believers and the health of the local and corporate church.

Can I Trust the Bible is a very helpful, but short book about a very important document the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy.  This is a great book for the new believer or the more seasoned ministry leader to learn more about the debates surrounding the doctrine of Scripture. Whether you are new to the debates surrounding the Bible or whether you are well read on the debates surrounding inerrancy, Can I Trust the Bible will help you to think through the doctrine of Scripture’s authority, inspiration, inerrancy and sufficiency. I recommend you read this book to be equipped on an issue fundamental to biblical Christianity.


Title: Can I Trust the Bible? (Crucial Questions Series) (Crucial Questions (Reformation Trust))Book Review Can I Trust the Bible 1

Author: Dr. R.C. Sproul

Publisher: Reformation Trust 2009

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the Reformation Trust. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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