These are perilous times. Our day is marked by pragmatism and situational ethics. The current milieu, for the most part, is not informed or undergirded by biblical principles.

As our loved ones reach the end of their days, it is essential that we refuse to allow the culture to dictate our medical and ethical decisions. Between Life and Death by Kathryn Butler helps navigate the bumpy path which ends in death. Butler is a trained physician and trauma surgeon who recently left her medical practice to homeschool her children. She brings a wealth of biblical wisdom to light and offers guidance, which is a reflection of the counsel of the holy.

Personally, Between Life and Death was a difficult book for me. No one likes to think about the implications of death, but Dr. Butler forces the issue with truth and grace. Each chapter is laced with take-home points which apply the truths of a given chapter.

The strength of this book is the author’s commitment to biblical authority and its emphasis on people made in the image of God. These image-bearers have great worth and dignity in the sight of God. As a result, each person must be treated with kindness and respect.

When the life of an image-bearer hangs in the balance, each person must “determine whether treatment promises recovery or only prolongation of suffering and death,” writes Butler.

Another helpful feature in Butler’s book is the example of a Sample Directive. This helpful tool may be used as a sort of template that readers can apply to their own unique situation.

Overall, Between Life and Death is a helpful book, one that is sure to educate people and guide them on a biblical path that glorifies the Lord.


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