414hFvfvh9L._SX463_BO1,204,203,200_How do you help your kids navigate sexuality, protect their bodies, and be aware of sexual predators without terrifying them? It’s no small question and yet it’s one that every parent in the modern age needs to consider. Thankfully Justin and Lindsey Holcomb have dedicated their careers to helping the Christians think about the reality of sexual assault, and they’ve now written a children’s book. God Made All of Me is the perfect tool for helping your kids protect their bodies because it is done in an honest, sensitive, and attractive manner.

The book uses a simple conversation between parents and children to highlight that God created all things, even our bodies. As such our bodies should be cared for and protected. The book’s sweet premise, the conversation between parents, illustrates the actual conversation parents are attempting to have with their kids as they read the book itself. As the little story unfolds it discusses appropriate an inappropriate touching, what to do if someone touches you in ways that make you feel uncomfortable, and even uses direct language to speak about the human body. That’s the one point that parents will need to be aware of going into the book. The authors believe it is important to use the correct anatomical language for boy’s and girl’s “private parts.” Its honesty should be commended, as it doesn’t shy away from the hard and awkward points of this important topic.

The book is also highly sensitive to a child’s stage of development. It is beautifully illustrated, with vibrant colors and age-appropriate (2-8 years old) drawings. It clearly conveys the goodness of every part of the body, and the importance of protecting some parts specifically. Without creating fear in the child, the book warns kids that they should always report unwanted touches, and never keep secrets. In this regard it can facilitate an open dialogue between parents and their kids as they broach, gently, the subject of sexual abuse.

The Holcombs evidence their grace and education in this beautiful volume that every parent should read to their little ones. God Made all of Me is great tool for parents who are seeking to raise godly kids in a dangerous world. I highly recommend this little book to all families. Your kids will love the beautiful pictures, and you will appreciate the important message.


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