The ESV Seek and Find Bible was one that I requested as a review copy from Crossway. I requested this book to be given as a gift to my niece, who loves to read. Unfortunately, she is too young at this stage to really enjoy reading this book, as she is only 2 ½ years old.

I did take time, however, to look over this version of the ESV Bible for children. I found that the illustrations were beautifully done and accurately portrayed the scenes they were meant to. Although, the image of Noah and his family was missing the third son and wife; but issues like this may have been due to a lack of creative space. This Bible is an interesting combination of Scripture and story-telling Commentary.

This book also includes interesting “Key Questions” and icons that facilitate discussion of the passage, as well as further research to other related passages. These icons are extremely helpful in navigating the text as they provide specific page numbers alongside the book, chapter, and verse reference.

Overall, I would recommend this ESV children’s Bible for any child over the age of 5. I believe, as a general rule, that children younger than 5 would be unable to fully comprehend the vocabulary used or even be interested in the book. For children under the age of 5, something like The Biggest Story ABC by Kevin DeYoung might be more appropriate.

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