On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave and A. Craig Troxel talk about what it means to guard our hearts, learning to ask good questions and do life with other Christians, along with his book, With All Your Heart: Orienting Your Mind, Desires, and Will toward Christ (Crossway, 2020).

What you’ll hear in this episode

  • Why the heart is the most critical word in the Bible to describe who you are within.
  • What Jesus means when He says to love Him with all of our mind and why it’s critical in the Christian life.
  • Facing doubt and growing in grace.
  • How to learn to ask good questions in the Christian life.
  • The importance of accountability and doing life with other Christians.
  • Why the Puritans emphasized the affections.
  • What it means to keep the heart.
  • What the gatekeepers of the hearts are.
  • Why it’s critical to understand the ambassador of our hearts.
  • What it means the Lord is our keeper.
  • How we guard our hearts against the snare of lust.
  • Why loving the Lord with all we are is a matter of worship.

About the Guest

A. Craig Troxel (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is professor of practical theology at Westminster Seminary California.

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