Today I interview Dr. Schreiner about his new book, Faith Alone– The Doctrine of Justification: What the Reformers Taught.. and Why It Still Matters (Zondervan Academic, 2015).

Topics from today’s episode include:

  • His life ministry, marriage, and upcoming writing projects.
  • What is justification?
  • Why is justification so significant to the Christian faith?
  • How Christians should respond to N.T. Wright and the New Perspective on Paul.
  • Why the doctrine of justification resonated in Europe during the Reformation.
  • How the doctrine of justification is under attack today.
  • Advice for Bible college and seminary students entering into ministry.
  • Why Christians should study church history.
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Biblical Theology.
  • Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology.
  • Recommended books and resources for studying the doctrine of justification and biblical theology.

About the Author:

Thomas R. Schreiner (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament and associate dean of Scripture and interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. The author of numerous books, he is the preaching pastor of Clifton Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

Recommended Books and Resources mentioned in this episode:

The King in His Beauty: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments by Dr. Tom Schreiner

What Is Biblical Theology?: A Guide to the Bible’s Story, Symbolism, and Patterns by Dr. Jim Hamilton

Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants by Dr. Peter J. Gentry and Dr. Stephen J. Wellum.

Dominion and Dynasty: A Biblical Theology of the Hebrew Bible by Dr. Stephen Dempster

Justification Reconsidered: Rethinking A Pauline Theme by Stephen Westerholm

Justification by Grace Through Faith: Finding Freedom from Legalism, Lawlessness, Pride, and Despair (Explorations in Biblical Theology) by Brian Vickers

Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness: Paul’s Theology of Imputation by Brian Vickers

The Future of Justification: A Response to N.T. Wright by Dr. John Piper. Download for free or get it on Amazon.

Counted Righteous in Christ by Dr. John Piper. Download for free or get it on Amazon.

Watch the writers of the volumes in the Five Solas series speak in these videos below:

2015 Theology Conference: The Five Solas – Panel Discussion

2015 Theology Conference: The Five Solas – Solus Christus

The Five Solas – Sola Scriptura

The Five Solas – Soli Deo Gloria

The Five Solas – Solus Christus

The Five Solas – Sola Gratia

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