Scripture teaches that God is sovereign over all. Nothing happens in all the universe outside of his permission. From the smallest atom to the largest galaxy, all that occurs in his creation does so according to his will (Proverbs 16:33, Lamentations 3:37-39). No plan of God’s can be thwarted (Job 42:2).
Sometimes people will ask, “If God is sovereign, why should I pray?” If God controls everything, if all of our choices and actions fall within his desired purpose, why should we pray? Whether we pray or not, won’t his will be accomplished?
There are several ways to answer the question, beginning with God’s command to pray that we must obey. Also, since God appoints both the ends and the means, we know that God sovereignly works through our prayers to accomplish his purposes. While both of those answers are true, perhaps the most compelling reason we should pray is BECAUSE of God’s sovereignty. Or, to flip the question around…if God is not sovereign, why would you pray?
Powerless Helper
It’s pointless to request something from someone who can’t provide. When you want to take time-off from work, you must ask your boss not your co-worker. Just by looking at the clothes I wear and the car I drive, you’d probably agree it’s a waste of time to ask me for a million dollars.
If God were not sovereign, there would be little reason to pray. If the course of history is decided by the will of man, then God can only respond to whatever man decides. He can’t bring about his desired end, and he can’t grant your request unless man “lets” him. God might know beforehand what’s going to happen, but he can’t change it if man’s free will is sovereign. If God must submit to man’s decisions, he may not be able to answer your requests.
Praying to a God who isn’t sovereign is like asking me for a million dollars or asking the janitor at your office for a day off. Why ask someone who doesn’t have the power to grant the request? I don’t have a million dollars to give and a non-sovereign God may not be able to answer your prayers.
Mighty to Save
I had a family member who didn’t believe in Christ so I shared the gospel with him as early as high school. He said he didn’t feel he needed to be saved from anything, but I continued to share over the years, sometimes through letters in the mail. But, he had already made up his mind that he didn’t believe. That was his choice.
If God is powerless to change a hardened heart, then there would be no reason to continue praying once the lost person made his decision. If God has provided the opportunity for salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, but people must choose Jesus on their own without any influence from the Holy Spirit (for such influence violates their free will), then why would you pray for them? What exactly are you asking God to do for the lost person? If he can’t draw them, woo them, or reveal himself to them, then what can he do? He’s already sent Christ, now it’s simply up to the person to choose him.
But, if God is sovereign, then the Holy Spirit can draw the lost person to himself. He can give him a new heart that desires the things of God and sees the beauty of the gospel and, because his will has been changed, receives Christ. If that’s how salvation works, then I have every reason to pray for those who are lost. If their only hope of salvation is based on their decision alone, then God can’t do anything and there is simply no reason to pray…we can just hope they change their own mind before they die.
Since God is sovereign, I continued to pray for my lost family member. I had hope that prayer was powerful and effective because I knew that God truly had the power to save.
None Can Stay His Hand
Scripture teaches both the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man to pray. Through prayer, our sovereign God answers our requests (Luke 11:9-10), works out his plans (Acts 4:24-31), and gives us joy (John 16:24). God “does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand” (Daniel 4:35).
Because we serve a powerful, gracious God who accomplishes his will and whom nobody can veto or overpower, we have every reason to pray. We pray because God is sovereign.
James serves as an Associate Pastor at FBC Atlanta, TX. He is married to Jenny and they have three children and are actively involved in foster care. He’s currently working on his PhD in Systematic Theology. His hobbies include: fishing, reading, writing, and running.